In the academic field, it is common to talk about the importance of study habits in relation to academic results, learning and personal improvement. Study habits are aligned with an action plan that emphasizes temporary objectives. However, even if a student is very motivated to prepare for an upcoming exam or any other issue in his or her academic life, You should also disconnect from your occupations to focus on yourself. That is, self-care is important for all people, beyond their reality and life stage. What are the illnesses, symptoms or discomforts that students experience most frequently?
colds and flu
Flu and colds come accompanied by the need for rest. The patient should not make an extra effort to concentrate, since he needs to prioritize his own bodily and emotional needs. Sometimes, flu symptoms are more severe, such as when a person has a high fever. After receiving the specific diagnosis, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions.
Stomach aches
A student's academic routine is not linear, since significant turning points occur throughout the course, such as those that occur during the exam stage. Other specific circumstances may also arise, such as difficulty passing a difficult subject. Sometimes, students suffer symptoms of stress or anxiety that, on the other hand, have repercussions in other areas. Sometimes, for example, they can cause stomach pain..
Migraines and headaches
When common complaints occur, it is important to avoid falling into the trap of self-diagnosis. It is a qualified health professional who must evaluate the symptoms. specific to the patient and how they interfere with their daily life. Sometimes the discomfort takes the form of a severe headache.
Contractures in the back and neck
Students spend a lot of time sitting each day. Study time at home or in the library is added to the class schedule. That is, it may happen that the person remains in the same position for a long time. Definitely, Maintaining a comfortable posture is key to promoting self-care and enhancing well-being during revision, completing homework or preparing for an exam. Well, it should be noted that, sometimes, students also experience some type of discomfort that is related to discomfort that is located in the back and neck area.
itchy eyes
As we have already indicated in the article, rest is one of the forms of self-care that a student can apply in their daily lives. For example, it is advisable to take short breaks during an afternoon of studying to change body posture and walk. However, the effort of hours of study can also leave a reflection on your eyesight through specific discomforts such as itchy eyes. Besides, It should be noted that adolescents and university students are educated in a very technological time in which the use of screens is also used beyond the educational field (frequent contact with screens can also increase the risk of itchy eyes). On the other hand, it is essential to prepare the study area so that it is well lit (it is always preferable to take advantage of the hours of natural light to study).
Therefore, there are different diseases, discomforts or signs of discomfort that can affect a student in their academic life. And in this article we have listed some of the most frequent data.