Being a firefighter means much more than facing fire, since you will ensure the safety of people but also of buildings, sometimes risking your own life. But the truth is that it has many advantages and is a permanent position, for life. If you want to know everything you need to get your firefighter position, here we tell you.
Updated syllabi of firefighter exams
Below you will find all the didactic material that will help you prepare the call to work as a Firefighter. The agendas are updated and are on sale, so you can take advantage of this offer for a limited time.
Additionally you will find extra resources such as multiple choice questions with content of the general syllabus and tests to prepare the psychotechnical.
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Call for opposition to firefighters
It must be said that this type of opposition is autonomous. So in a few months it can go out for some communities and the following, for different ones. That is, it can always vary and you have to be attentive to their announcements. This year they have been convened in different parts of the Spanish geography. One of them being La Rioja, where there are 7 places called, from Group C. The deadline for applications is from 11/09 to 08/10 2018. If you want to know more details of the current call, we leave you the official document.
Requirements to be a firefighter
- Having Spanish nationality. Although nationals of the Member States of the European Union may also participate.
- Be over 16 years old and not to exceed the maximum retirement age.
- Be in possession of any of the following qualifications: Bachelor, Specialist Technician, Superior Technician, Higher Level Training Cycle, or their equivalents. It must be remembered at this point that the requirements may vary depending on the positions offered. Since they will be able to request higher degrees if it is considered so to perform the specific position.
- Not suffer from disease or defect that prevents the performance of functions. You must present a medical certificate, issued by your GP, indicating this.
- Not having been separated from any of the Public Administrations, through disciplinary proceedings.
- Be in possession of driving license B, C + E. (The latter is usually requested when it comes to a place for a firefighter driver)
How to sign up for the firefighting exams
In order to submit applications, applicants have to meet the aforementioned requirements. To sign up for firefighting competitions You have to fill in the applications that appear in the Annexes of the call. One of them will be the one related to covering the data. While the following will be the merits to be valued. Although the latter can be submitted up to five days after knowing the result of the penultimate examination of the opposition. But it doesn't hurt to ask when we get the covered application. Once the call is published, you will have 20 business days to be able to sign up for the oppositions.
La rate to payIt may also vary, but it will be about 30,18 euros, as it was in the last call for Group C. The money will be paid into an account number that will be provided in the publication of the call. Once the term ends, the lists of those admitted and not admitted will be published. As a reason for exclusion, it may be not paying the money or submitting the applications within the established period.
Firefighter opposition tests
First exercise: Theoretical part
- Phase I: Answer a questionnaire on the legislative part as well as the common agenda. For this part you will have an hour and a half of time.
- Phase II: Answer a questionnaire on the specific legislation of the community or province to which we present ourselves.
Second exercise: Physical tests
- Smooth rope climb: The applicant must climb a smooth rope of 5 m. Starting from the sitting position. You will have two attempts to reach the bell that is at the top of the rope. The maximum time is 15 seconds.
- Fixed bar push-ups: The chin has to go over the edge of the bar. Then it will go into suspension but without swaying.
- Vertical jump: The legs will be flexed to perform the jump but the feet cannot be separated from the ground before jumping. The jump can be declared void if you do not land with your legs extended.
- Weight lifting: You will start from the supine ulna position, on a bench, you will lift a bar with 40 kg, the greatest number of times, in 60 seconds.
- 3000 meter run: You will travel this distance on a track on a free street.
- Swimming 50 meters freestyle.
- Scale ascension test: It will be a free ascent on the escalator at a height of 20 meters.
Third exercise: Psychotechnicians
Although it is a mandatory part, they will not be eliminatory.
Fourth exercise: The medical examination
Simply to verify that the applicant is in the medical and physical condition to be able to perform the selected position.
How is the exam
As we have mentioned in the previous section, the exam consists of the theoretical part, where to apply the concepts studied. The other main part is the physical evidence. Since in them the power of the upper and lower body is measured, as well as the pectoral muscles or the resistance and aquatic ease. There is also practice in the form of psychotechnics and finally, a medical examination.
In the first exercise, or theoretical part, you have to get a minimum of 5 in each of its phases so as not to be eliminated. If you achieve this note, you will pass to the physical tests. To be able to overcome them, you must also pass the mark that is required. The scores of each part will be added and the final result is divided by 5. Since the first one, climbs on a rope and the ascension test do not enter here, because they must be passed.
The third exercise, psychotechnical, will be classified from 0 to 5 points. While for the recognition they will be valued as Apt and Not Apt. When you have passed all these parts, you will reach the contest phase. It is not eliminatory and it is simply the sum of all the merits such as jobs in relation to the position that is aspired or official courses of rescue or civil protection, among others. All of them will appear in the document of the call.
Firefighters agenda
As in most competitive examinations, we will find a common agenda and a specific one for the different positions to which we apply. On the other hand, there will also be the legal part of the province or community to which we present ourselves. It will always appear in the call.
- Topic 1. Regulations related to self-protection and protection against fires: Technical Building Code. Basic Document (SI). Security in case of fire. Regulation of fire protection installations. Regulation of fire safety in industrial establishments.
- Topic 2. Fire chemistry. Introduction. Triangle and tetrahedron of fire. Flame combustion. Flameless combustion. Fuel. Fuel. Activation energy .. Chain reaction. Products resulting from the fire. Development of fires. Spread of fires. Classification of fires.
- Topic 3. Fuel. Introduction. Types of fuel. Fuel properties: calorific value, reactivity, composition, viscosity, density, ignition point, flash point, auto ignition point, flash and explosive points, reaction rate. Types of fires.
- Topic 4. Toxicity of the products resulting in a fire.
- Topic 5. Extinguishing methods. Cooling down, suffocation, discouragement-dilution, inhibition.
- Topic 6. Extinguishing agents. Water: Introduction, physico-chemical properties, extinguishing properties, extinguishing mechanisms, lances in fire services, application methods, limitations and precautions in their use, additives.
- Topic 7. Extinguishing media. Hoses, classification, characteristics, hose transport and placement, maintenance. Union pieces, fittings, adapters, forks, reductions. Spears, types of spears, use, accessories. Other materials used in extinguishing.
- Topic 8. Extinguishing agents. Solid extinguishing agents. Gaseous extinguishing agents.
- Topic 9. Hydraulics. Introduction. Hydraulic, Hydrostatic. Hydrodynamics. Flow. Density and specific gravity. Pressure. Loss of load. Discharge equation. Reaction force in lance. Hydraulic pump. Types of pumps. Phenomena associated with the use of pumps.
- Topic 10. Indoor fire development: Fire development within a compartment, Fire development in a ventilated room / behavior, Fire development in a non-ventilated room / behavior, which is ventilated at a later stage, signs and symptoms of a flashover, signs and symptoms of a backdraught, flow chart on the development of fire. Indoor fire fighting techniques. Water extinguishing, extinguishing techniques, extinguishing methods, offensive method, foam extinguishing. Procedures for intervention in fires in closed areas. Equipment and lines of attack, security procedures. Mobility and transitions, reception - confirmation of instructions from the team leader, emergency by accident of one or more firefighters.
- Topic 11. Foams, types of foams according to their origin or formation mechanism. Extinguishing properties. Classification according to foam concentrate. Basic criteria for choosing foam concentrates. Main characteristics of physical foams and foams. Spanish regulations on vehicles that affect the content of foam equipment. Use of foam in visits and demonstrations.
- Topic 12. Classification of foam equipment. Systems and techniques for the formation of the different types of physical foam. Choice of application equipment. Ways of applying the foam.
- Topic 13. Operational ventilation in fires: purpose of ventilation. Ventilation methods. Ventilation principles. Ventilation tactics. Procedures for using tactical fire ventilation.
- Topic 14. Forest fires. Definition of forest fire and applicable state legislation. Propagation factors. Types of fires. Forms and parts of a forest fire. Extinguishing methods. Mechanical equipment and hand tools for extinguishing forest fires. General and specific safety regulations.
- Topic 15. Uncarceration. Introduction. Tools used in traffic accident rescue. Parts or elements of the vehicle to consider in the rescue. Intervention in traffic accidents. Safety in the intervention.
- Topic 16. Salvage and evacuation equipment. Introduction. Hook, assault or hanger ladders. Extendable or sliding ladder. Electron ladder. Rope ladder. Evacuation descenders. Hoses or evacuation sleeves. Air mattresses. Auto ladders and auto arms. Equipment for rescue at height.
- Topic 17. Hazardous materials identification. Introduction. Dangerous matter Regulations referring to dangerous goods. General classification of dangerous goods. Identification methods.
- Topic 18. Intervention in dangerous goods accidents. Introduction. Levels of protection. Specific characteristics of the level III suits. Intervention in dangerous goods accidents. Basic principles of action.
- Topic 19. Construction .Introduction. Construction: Structures. Materials used in construction.
- Topic 20. Constructive injuries. Introduction. Habitability conditions that a building must meet. Constructive situation. Loads that gravitate on a building. Injuries in buildings. Manifestations of pathologies. Crack control methods. Phases of the ruin of a building and corrective measures. Landslides. Shoring and shoring. Falling procedure according to the damaged element. Shoring. Shoring services.
- Topic 21. Lifeguard basics. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Performances in wounds, hemorrhages, amputations, Shock, burns, fractures, dislocations, sprains, eye injuries. Immobilization, mobilization of injured and lateral security position. Sanitary action in structural fires.
- Topic 22. Fire fighting vehicles. Introduction. Firefighting and auxiliary services vehicles. European Standard 1846. Standard. Firefighting and rescue vehicles. Standard UNE 23900 and following. Basic characteristics of water pumps. Standard UNEEN 1028-2: 2003 + A1: 2008.
- Topic 23. Personal protective equipment: The regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and personal protective equipment. Individual protection. Classification of Epis. Personal protective equipment against fire. Chemical protective suits.
- Topic 24. Law 31/1995, of November 8, on the prevention of Occupational Risks. Royal Decree 773/1997 of May 30, on minimum health and safety provisions relating to the use by workers of personal protective equipment.
- Topic 25. Respiratory protection. Introduction. Respiratory protection. Respiratory risks. Respiratory hazards. Respiratory protective equipment. Media dependent teams. Independent teams from the environment.
- Topic 26. Communications in emergencies. The process in communication, elements of the communicative process. Telecommunication. Radiocomunication.
- Topic 27. Electricity. Introduction. Definition of electricity. Laws and fundamental formulas in electrical circuits. Electrical installations of high and low voltage. Consumer facilities. Effects of electricity on the human body. Electrical low voltage regulation.
- Topic 28. Mechanics. Introduction. The four-stroke engine. Distribution systems. Ignition system. fuel system in internal combustion engines. lubrication system. refrigeration system. braking system. Technical basics. The diesel engine.
What are the functions of a firefighter
As we said at the beginning, the functions of firefighters can be many other than those we have in mind.
It is true that this is the most popular idea we have for a firefighter. But it is true that within the opposition there are also other positions and positions to carry out. Bliss Firefighting it can be focused on forests or green areas as well as urban places.
Release or release of people or animals
This indicates that in addition to putting out the fire, they also help to rescue both people and animals who are trapped by various dangers. They can already be dangers derived from a fire such as traffic or rail accidents, etc.
It can be said that it is another of the most complex tasks that a firefighter can face. Since home evacuations due to a flood or gas leak to risk of collapse. They can be both exterior and interior.
Dangerous goods emergencies
Maybe not one of the most frequent jobs they have to do, but sometimes it is required. Keeping dangerous goods under control is also part of one of the tasks that these professionals can perform, for example, when there is a leak of a toxic or flammable substance.
Minor emergencies
We have discussed the large-scale jobs that firefighters often do. But it is also true that there are others such as minor emergencies. They may be prevention work, small fires or trapped animals.