Civil Guard Agenda

It seems that in recent years, they are always summoned competitive examinations for the Civil Guard, for its different scales or positions. In addition, we have the advantage that from one year to the next, both the call and the exam dates tend to coincide quite a bit. So we already get an idea of ​​when these oppositions will be held.

Updated agendas of the Civil Guard oppositions

Here you will find all the didactic material so that you can pass the Civil Guard call more easily thanks to our updated syllabi and extra complements with which to practice the exams. This is the material we have available for you:

Savings Pack

Civil Guard agendas Savings Pack

The savings pack is the cheapest option since for only € 160 you will receive:

If you prefer, you can also buy each of the above products individually by clicking on them.

Additionally, you can also complement your training with any of these products:

Announcements for Civil Guard competitions

In the month of April the call for the Civil Guard oppositions. So for next year it will also be around those dates. It may vary slightly a few days or a week before. A call that had a total of 2.030 places for direct access to both the Escala de Cabos and Guards.

  • Of all these positions, 812 will be destined for professional military personnel and sailors of the Armed Forces.
  • 175 places for students of the College of Young Guards.
  • 1043 of the fixed places are free.

In order to discover all the details, it is worth taking a look at the official call published in the BOE. Once the call comes out, there are 15 business days to register. A couple of weeks later, the provisional lists with those admitted will come out. You will have 5 days to make claims if you consider it necessary.

Requirements to join the Civil Guard corps

  • Have Spanish nationality.
  • Not be deprived of civil rights.
  • Have no criminal record.
  • Have reached the age of 18 and not exceed the age of 40, during the year in which the call is opened.
  • Not having been separated by disciplinary file from the service of any of the Public Administrations.
  • Be in possession of the title of Graduate in compulsory secondary education or of a higher academic level.
  • Have passed the specific training course for access to intermediate level cycles.
  • Be in possession of a driving license B.
  • Not having tattoos that contain expressions or images contrary to constitutional values ​​and that may undermine the image of the Civil Guard.
  • Possess the psychophysical aptitude that is required and needed to carry out the different study plans.

How to join the Civil Guard oppositions

Civil guard car

As we said before, there are 15 business days to be able to register for the Civil Guard examinations. To formalize the registration, it will be done through the Electronic Headquarters of the Civil Guard, that is, online and through this link:

Once on the page you will have to go to 'Login and application', as happened this year. If it is the first time that you are going to introduce yourself, then you must cover the 'Registration for new applicant'. A new screen will open where you will fill in your personal information. In addition, an email is required, since in it you will receive the activation of your account.

When the email reaches you, you will see a link that directs you to the entry page. There you will write your ID and password. You will enter the platform and you will be able to register. It must be said that in addition to your data they will also ask you for information by way of requirements that we mentioned before. Hence, you should always have the documentation ready before starting your application. What are the documents I need?

  • DNI
  • Documents that prove your qualifications so that they are taken into account at the time of the contest phase.
  • Social Security Number
  • Large family title or, Certificate of the Public Employment Service, as a job seeker. Since both will help us when you pay the fees.

Once you have covered everything that is requested, a kind of summary of them is generated so that you can take a look at them again. When everything is correct, you will go to the 'rates'. Three copies of the PDF or form thereof are generated. One that you will take to the bank for pay the fees (which will be 11,32 euros), another for you and the third for the Headquarters. So you have to print it and go to the bank. When you have paid, you will have to re-enter the platform. You will press 'Payment of fees' and there you will write the data of the bank as well as the date of payment.

When you've covered all the steps and paid the fees, then the final PDF is generated, so to speak. You must print it and present both the application and its copy, duly signed, at one of the post offices that you have nearby so that they can be sent to the Headquarters of Teaching of the Civil Guard in Madrid as well as the different commands or Territorial Posts of the Civil Guard that are collected in the bases of the call.


We find a total of 25 topics to prepare for the Civil Guard oppositions. They are divided into three blocks where legal issues are combined with cultural and technical-scientific ones.

Block 1: Topics of Legal Sciences - Topics 1 to 16

  • Topic 1. The Spanish Constitution of 1978. General characteristics and inspiring principles. Structure. Preliminary title.
  • Topic 2. Fundamental rights and duties.
  • Topic 3. The crown.
  • Topic 4. The general courts.
  • Topic 5. The Government and the Administration. Relations between the Government and the Cortes Generales. The judicial power.
  • Topic 6. Territorial organization of the State.
  • Topic 7. Constitutional Court. Constitutional reform.
  • Topic 8. Criminal law. Concept. General principles of law. Crime and misdemeanor concept. Subjects and object of the crime. People responsible for crimes and misdemeanors. Punishable degrees of perpetration of crimes and misdemeanors. Modifying circumstances of the criminal responsibility.
  • Topic 9. Crimes against public administration. Offenses committed by public officials against constitutional guarantees.
  • Topic 10. Criminal Procedural Law. The Law of Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Process. Jurisdiction and jurisdiction. First proceedings. The criminal action. Complaint concept. Obligation to report. The complaint: Formalities and effects. The complaint.
  • Topic 11. The Judicial Police. Composition. Mission. Shape.
  • Topic 12. Detention: Who and when can they stop. Deadlines. Habeas corpus procedure. Entry and registration closed instead.
  • Topic 13. Of the Corps and Security Forces. Basic principles of action. Common statutory provisions. State Security Forces and Bodies. Functions. Competencies. Police structure in Spain. Dependent bodies of the Government of the nation. Bodies dependent on the Autonomous Communities and the Local Communities.
  • Topic 14. The Civil Guard Corps. Military nature. Structure.
  • Topic 15. Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure. Purpose. Scope and general principles. Of the Public Administrations and their relations. Organs Of those interested. The activity of the Public Administrations.
  • Topic 16. Administrative provisions and acts. General provisions on administrative procedures. Review of acts in administrative proceedings. Sanctioning power. The responsibility of the Public Administrations, their authorities and other personnel at their service. The contentious-administrative appeal.

Block 2: Topics of Socio-Cultural Subjects - Topics 17 to 20

  • Topic 17. Civil protection. Definition. Legal basis. Informing principles of civil protection. Participants. Classification of emergency situations. Hierarchical scheme. Functions of civil protection.
  • Topic 18. International organizations. Historical evolution. Concept and characters of international organizations. Classification. Nature, structure and functions: United Nations, Council of Europe, European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Topic 19. Human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. The international covenants of human rights. The Human Rights Commission: Protection Procedures. The Council of Europe. The Turin Charter. The Rome Convention: Protection Procedures.
  • Topic 20. Ecology. Relationship functions of living beings. Environment. Physical factors: Soil, light, temperature and humidity. Biological factors. Associations. Population and community. Ecosystem. Components. Types: Terrestrial and aquatic. The ecological balance. Aggressions to the environment. Contamination. Waste.

Block C: Topics of Technical-Scientific Subjects - Topics 21 to 25

  • Topic 21. Electricity and electromagnetism. Electric current. Tension, intensity and resistance. Ohm's law. Association of electrical components. Tension fall. Energy of electric current. Electric power. Magnetism. Magnetic field. Magnetic flux. Magnetic permeability. Magnetic field created by the electric current. Solenoid, electromagnet and relay. Induced electromotive force. Self-induction electromotive force.
  • Topic 22. Transmissions. Elements of comunications. Frequency spectrum. Mesh concept and working channel. Difficulties in mesh link in VHF and UHF. User services or work modes. Radio transmitters and receivers (AM and FM). Repeater equipment. Electromagnetic waves. Propagation and scope. Antennas. Power supplies.
    Topic 23. Motoring. Automobile mechanics. Engines: Classes. Cylinders Time. Settings. Diesel engine. Piston. Connecting rod. Crankshaft. Steering wheel. Sump. Two-stroke engine. Power supply for internal combustion and diesel engines. Lubrication. Refrigeration. Transmission mechanisms. Suspension. Direction. Brakes. Automobile electricity. Ignition systems. Dynamo. Alternator. Drums. Starting motor. Distribution.
  • Topic 24. Computing. Informatic introduction. Functions and phases of a data process. The computer and its input, calculation and output units. Program concept and types. Concept of operating system and its functions. Information storage: File concept.
  • Topic 25. Topography. Geographic elements: Earth axis, poles, meridian, parallel, equator, cardinal points, geographic coordinates, azimuth and bearing. Geometric units of measurement: linear units, numerical and graphic scales, angular units. Representation of the terrain.

Testing to be a Civil Guard

Civil Guard doing a check


One of the first theoretical tests is spelling. A test that lasts 10 minutes and is based on the completion of a spelling exercise. This part is scored as 'Pass' or 'Not Fit'. If 11 or more misspellings are made then you will be 'Not Eligible'.

La knowledge test is multiple choice with 100 questions and 5 reservations. To carry out this test you have 1 h 35 minutes. Every question you get right will be a point. But remember that those who answer wrongly have a penalty. So when in doubt it is always better to leave it blank. Here, you have to reach 50 points to be able to pass. Otherwise, you will be excluded from the process.

La foreign language test It consists of answering a questionnaire of 20 questions and a reserve question. The time you have to carry it out is 21 minutes. To overcome it you need 8 points, since it is valued from 0 to 20 points.

We arrive at psychotechnical test where the capacity of the applicants is evaluated to be able to adapt to the requirements that are demanded. This test has two parts:

  1. Intellectual skills: Intelligence test or specific scales, which serve to assess learning ability.
  2. Personality profile: Also based on tests that manage to explore the characteristics of the personality.

Remember that to carry out all these written tests a black ink pen is required, as stated in the bases.

Finally, we have the personal interview which is intended to contrast the results of psychotechnicians. They are looking for motivational qualities as well as maturity and responsibility, flexibility and that the candidate knows how to solve certain problems that arise.


The day of the Physical testsYou will have to carry the medical certificate that certifies that you are qualified to perform them. It must be issued 20 days prior to the completion of these tests. The order of them will be proposed by the Court, but even so, the physical ones that you will have to overcome are the following:

  • Speed ​​Test: 50-meter race that you will have to do without exceeding the time of 8,30 seconds for men and 9,40 seconds for women.
  • Muscle endurance test: This is a 1000 meter race on the track. The time to carry it out should not exceed 4 minutes and 10 seconds for men or 4 minutes and 50 seconds for women.
  • Arm extensor test: It starts from the prone position and the arms perpendicular to the floor. From this position a full outstretched arms is made. At least there are 18 for men and 14 for women.
  • Swimming test: You will have to travel 50 meters in the pool. You have a single attempt and you will not be able to exceed 70 seconds if you are a man or 75 seconds if you are a woman.

How is the exam

Civil Guard doing an exam

The exam has two global parts. On one side is the opposition phase. In it we will find different exams or tests such as:

  • Spelling
  • Knowledge
  • Foreign language
  • Psychotechnicians
  • Psychophysical Aptitude.

This last part is also divided into:

  • Physical fitness test
  • Personal interview
  • Medical examination.

The second part of the exam is about the contest phase, which has a score between 0 and 40 points. Its purpose is to assess the merits. 

Are the Civil Guard oppositions difficult? 

Civil guard boat

It is true that things have changed. Because a few years ago it was said that the Civil Guard oppositions were slightly simpler. But today there are more people who show up and the difficulty has varied. This does not indicate that they are impossible, but it does indicate that they must be carefully prepared.

Undoubtedly, when we talk about difficulty, there are several factors that can influence. The hours of study and the hours of physical preparation will determine the final answer. We need to organize the time so that we can prepare the agenda, but without forgetting about physical activity. So we must always establish a good balance and work more on the weaknesses that each person has. It will be a very rewarding effort with a fixed place for life.